5 easy steps to a healthier diet.

Changeing ones diet might be a real tough challenge. Habits, emotions and sometimes addictions might be things we have to face and put some work into changing. Here are a few tips that can be helpful. And don't forget to celebrate your successes!

Change breakfast - might be the deepest routine, thou for most people it's also the one meal that's always the same, so then there is really only one thing to change.

Tips on what to eat!!!
What is there to eat if you want to make a better choice for breakfast? Well of course it depends on what you are eating today. Here are some suggestions.

a) make a smoothie (bananas, strawberries and some water makes a delicious morning starter, or mango and orange)
b) make a smoothie and pour it in a bowl, add nuts, shredded coconut, diced fruit and maybe some raisins
c) make a nut porridge in a food processor. Add (soaked) nuts and/or soaked buckwheat, some soaked raisins, water, apple and cinnamon and blend. Top with a spoon of honey.

Add 50% raw veggies and leafy greens to EVERY plate/meal.

Tips on good veggies!!!
Any veggie is great; leafy greens, cucumber, tomato, paprika, celery, fennel, cabbage, savoy cabbage, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, onion, avocado (of course), lime etc. Make a salad and add fresh spices to it like parsley, basil, oregano and thyme. Add ginger, cayenne, chili and garlic for "heat".

Don't cut away the things you really love, even if they are really "bad". Cut down and have them as nice treats from time to time instead - or change to a healthier alternative.

Connect with your food and find fiends who share your interest in healthy foods and share as many meals as you feel comfortable about (and that is doable) with them.

100% is not the goal! It's more important that you feel comfortable and that you feel good about what you eat. Rather than huge leaps that makes you step back later, take small steps forward and celebrate your successes. Remember

"Every journey start with one step."

with love and gratitude

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