Coffee in a box!

Coffee in a box, is that outside the box?

Coffee Squares (20-25)

½ dl sunflower seeds

½ dl white mulberry
4 tbsp cocoa powder, raw
(or 4 tbsp crushed cocoa block, raw)
3 tsp instant coffee
2 tsp vanilla powder
8 fresh dates
1 tbsp coconut oil

Add the dry ingredients in a food processor and pulse for a while so they are finely chopped. Core the dates and add, along with coconut oil. Blend until the dough becomes moldable enough to make balls. Roll the balls, flatten them and shape the small squares with an edge of 2-3 cm. Arrange beautifully on a plateand serve with a glass of nut milk or a cup of invigorating herbal tea.

with love and passion

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