Hello dear friend.
For you who have followed me on my last blog (http://uhc100.blogspot.com/) today was my first day after the Ultimate Health Challenge. I have felt great today, thank you. I have stayed about 99% raw with some spices as the exception (had raw tacos for dinner, it was absolutely delicious).
Yesterday I made room for my indoor plantation putting up some shelfes.
Today I have also planted my first round of greens - SPINACH!
I'm very exited to see the result in a few days when it's supposed to start growing. I plan on buying a strong light or at least find one in my garage. We might have a really strong light that's normally used outdoors when building. I few hour each night ought to do it. My partner just mentioned a bright idea; putting a flourocent lamp under every shelf - good light and low energy consumption. This is a very exciting project. I long to see the wall grow green. :) And I'm very happy Linda is involved and perhaps even more excited about it.
Today I also visited a newly found friend, a raw food fiend who lives not so far away from me. I was a delight to meet him and I thought we had very similar ideas for the future of local raw food in my living area.
I have to show you saomething else that I'm thrilled about. Our plum tree is really weighed down by it's fruit. And it's so delicious.
So today is a great day. For that I'm thankful.
I'm grateful for the engagement Linda shows for this project, for my funny kids, and my excellent food choises.
I love my family, myself and you.
In divine love and sound health
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